Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This is one spunky girl.

E just turned 2.

She loves her baby,

and flowers.

She has the most contagious laugh,

and an awesome scowl.

She is a busy bee.

(okay, that is an understatement)
Oh, and she loves her baby brother, sometimes a little too much.

Southern Idaho & St. George

I will be in Southern Idaho & St. George for the month of July.

I am willing to do a couple shoots.

Contact me if you would like to schedule a shoot.

I am limiting the number of shoots I do, contact me soon!!! (at) gmail (dot) com

Saturday, June 11, 2011

L & J

These two just celebrated five years of marriage! They never had any engagement or wedding photos. So I was REALLY excited to give them a treat of nice pictures. Everyone deserves to have some nice pictures taken of themselves!!

They were so easy to work with and obviously so in love.

They couldn't keep their hands off each other...made my job easy!